The Orthodox clergy of Crimea in the First World War and the Civil War in a new historical study


  • Yuliya A. Biryukova Don State Technical University, 1, pl. Gagarina, Rostov-on-Don, 344000, Russian Federation
  • Tamara S. Olenich Don State Technical University, 1, pl. Gagarina, Rostov-on-Don, 344000, Russian Federation
  • Nataliya A. Shakhbanova Don State Technical University, 1, pl. Gagarina, Rostov-on-Don, 344000, Russian Federation



This review explores a new study on the history of the Crimean clergy during the First World War and the Civil War, up to the exodus of the white forces from the Crimea in November 1920. The authors of the monograph work at St Petersburg State University: Professor A. S. Puchenkov and Associate Professor V. V. Kalinovsky. The study examines such little-studied issues as the attitude of the clergy as a class and its individual representatives to the war, to politics, to reforms within the Church itself. During the war, the Crimean clergy took a peacemaking position, preventing German pogroms in the Tauride diocese. It should be noted that the revolutionary forces at various levels exercised increased control over the content of the sermons of the clergy, and the new government tried to influence the church authorities and the congresses of the clergy. The Church was perceived by society as a force closely connected with the monarchy. Criticism and hostility towards the Church began to worsen, resulting in open persecution after the October revolution. The authors of the review concluded that the authors managed to create a fundamental work, the absolute merit of which is the reconstruction of church life against the background of socio-political and military upheavals. The authors took a balanced position, without deviating into apologetics or criticism of the clergy. The work disposes to the comprehension of many controversial and complex topics.


historiography, clergy, military clergy, World War I, Civil War, white movement


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