“Cosmic liturgy” by Hans Urs von Balthasar


  • Priest Alexander Konev Catholic Higher Theological Seminary “Mary — Queen of the Apostles”, 11, 1-ia Krasnoarmeiskaia ul., St Petersburg, 190103, Russian Federation




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Balthasar H. U. von. (1961) Kosmische Liturgie: das Weltbild Maximus’ des Bekenners. Einsiedeln, Switz., Johannes-Verlag.

Balthasar H. U. von. (1997) “Cosmic liturgy: The universe according to Maximus the Confessor”, in Al’fa i Omega, no. 3 (14), pp. 106–132.

Balthasar H. U. von. (1998) “Cosmic liturgy: The universe according to Maximus the Confessor”, in Al’fa i Omega, no. 2 (16), pp. 108–140.

Balthasar H. U. von. (1999) “Cosmic liturgy: The universe according to Maximus the Confessor”, in Al’fa i Omega, no. 1 (19), pp. 92–109.

Balthasar H. U. von. (2000) “Cosmic liturgy: The universe according to Maximus the Confessor”, in Al’fa i Omega, no. 1 (23), pp. 67–86.

Balthasar H. U. von. (2000) “Cosmic liturgy: The universe according to Maximus the Confessor”, in Al’fa i Omega, no. 3 (25), pp. 115–134.

Balthasar H. U. von. (2003) “Cosmic liturgy: The universe according to Maximus the Confessor”, in Al’fa i Omega, no. 2 (36), pp. 171–180.

Balthasar H. U. von. (2003) “Cosmic liturgy: The universe according to Maximus the Confessor”, in Al’fa i Omega, no. 4 (38), pp. 78–94.

Balthasar H. U. von. (2021) Cosmic liturgy: The universe according to Maximus the Confessor. Rus. ed. Moscow, Poznanie Publ. (In Russian)

Moreskini K. (2011) History of Patristic philosophy. Moscow, Greko-latinskii kabinet Iu. A. Shichalina Publ. (In Russian)




