Basic concepts of missionary service in the perception of the modern priesthood of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Asian regions of Russia
The status of the missionary activity of the modern Russian Orthodox Church, its condition is characterized by ambiguous assessments even within the Orthodox priesthood itself. The identification of mission and social service, the denial of the effectiveness and even the very existence of an Orthodox mission, diametrically opposed assessments regarding the planning and control of the mission — all these discrepancies affect the strategies of modern missionary activity. The purpose of the study is to analyze the understanding of the basic concepts of missionary activity, tasks and principles of mission realization by the modern priesthood in the Asian regions of Russia. The geographical focus of the study, the regions of Inner Asia, predetermined the priority choice of such regions as: Altai, Irkutsk region, Buryatia, Tyva, Khakassia; outside Russia — Mongolia. The main method of forming an empirical base was an expert survey in the form of a series of semi-standardized interviews with Orthodox priests of Asian regions. of Russia. The experts also included participants of missionary expeditions and teachers of missiology from non-Asian dioceses. As a result of the expert survey, the understanding of the status of missionary activity in modern society, the relationship between mission and social service became clearer, and the attention of the priesthood to the distinction between mission and catechism was reflected. The priority of the internal mission has been highlighted. The principles of missionary service are considered.
mission, internal mission, external mission, social service, catechization, mission motivation, principles of missionary service
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