Scientific rationality and “reduction to the theology”


  • Dmitrii V. Shmonin Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute for Postgraduate Studies, Pyatnitskaya ul., 4/2, Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation



The article describes the place of theology both inside and outside of modern academic knowledge. A modernized three-dimensional scheme (classification) of scientific classifications of science. This model assumes the simultaneous distribution of sciences by the studied objects and ranking of the raised questions by the level of fundamental nature. The top position in this scheme is taken by theology, which is represented both as an independent subject area within the system of sciences and humanities, and as a system of values and meanings outside it. The subject area of theology (taking into account the specifics of various religious traditions) is revealed by the author through a variety of disciplines and various methodologies, both theological and related methods of other sciences. The author presumes that a researcher working on rapidly developing fundamental or applied sciences requires value-outlook support from theology, regardless of whether he considers himself belonging to a religious tradition. The dogmatic systems of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism that go beyond the limits of science include basic ideas about the Divine origin of the world, creation, man, absolute values; they provide the scientist with a harmonious perception of the world while maintaining the principles of science and objectivity in his research work.


theology, scientific knowledge, classification of sciences, values


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