The models of education of Russian Protestantism: The example of the Zaoksky Adventist University


  • Igor V. Levin Russian Christian Academy of Humanities, 15, nab. r. Fontanki, St Petersburg, 191011, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the study of the current stage of development of the Christian educational paradigm of Russia in the segment of Protestant religious education as one of the aspects of the modern theory and practice of Russian confessional pedagogy from the standpoint of the theology of education. The article provides a brief overview of the emergence, development and current state of the educational model of the Seventh — Day Adventist Christian Church in Russia, which is represented by the Religious Spiritual Educational Organization of Higher education Zaoksky University of the Seventh-Day Adventist Christian Church (Zaoksky Adventist University, ZAU). This article substantiates the status of ZAU as a non-state educational institution of higher education, the ideological, worldview core of the educational model of which has a confessional religious character. The theological part itself is quite adequately combined with the secular-minded components of the vocational education. This phenomenon is connected to the fact that the training and educational process take place both according to programs corresponding to Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) and confessional university educational programs at the same time. The reasonable conclusion of this article is presented by the review of the educational religious model of reproduction of pedagogical workers created in ZAU, capable of both qualified working in confessional educational institutions and working in the secular educational sphere.


Seventh-day Adventist Christian Church, religious education, denominational education, theology of education, state educational standard


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Theology and Education