Nakshubandi rabita on the scales of Sharia


  • Abdulla S. Atsaev Dagestan Islamic University named after Sheikh Muhammad-Arif, 136, ul. Dakhadaeva, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 367000, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the theological consideration of one of the forms of manifestation of sincerity in Sufi practice, an integral part of the ritual practice of the tarikat — rabita. The origins of the term rabita, its semantics, and the attitude to this phenomenon from the standpoint of Sharia are investigated. The conclusions are substantiated by an appeal to the sacred texts of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, as well as to the authoritative opinion of theologians of the past. The author, revealing the originality of tasawwuf not only as a “renunciation of the worldly” for the purpose of moral improvement, but also as a way of sincere rapprochement with the Creator in the act of cognition (ma’rif), explores the essence of rabita in the understanding of the Sufis, questions of the permissibility of spiritual guidance, Sharia decisions regarding rabita as a form of sincerity (ihsan). A categorical typology of rabita in tasawwuf is presented. Since rabita in the form referred to in the writings of Sufi scholars is not a ritual of worship, but is a type of concentration of thoughts and feelings inherent in the natural nature of a person, a Sharia decision “permissible” is made in relation to it, which can turn into “desirable” or even “mandatory”, based on its constituent elements and the goals that are achieved through rabita.


rabita, Qu’ran, Sunnah, Sharia, tasawwuf, spiritual mentor, love and affection


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Theology and Law in Islam