“There is always an unchangeable core in the icon, expressing the theological and dogmatic meaning of the image…”


  • Irina K. Yazykova St. Andrew’s biblical theological institute, 3, ul. Ierusalimskaya, Moscow, 109316, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0009-0003-2132-3386




In a conversation with art critic and theologian Irina Yazykova, fundamental and topical issues of iconology are discussed. An icon is defined as a sacred and prayerful image expressing the conciliar experience of the Church and created in accordance with certain rules (iconographic canon). The differences between the canonical icon and religious painting are considered, including with such examples of the latter, which are functionally icons, but no longer fit into the iconographic canon. Examples of “incorrect icons”, the historical conditions of their appearance and the corresponding church reactions are analyzed. Russian icon discovery at the beginning of the 20th century, the role of the Russian post-revolutionary emigration in the promotion of the Orthodox icon and the development of icon painting, the efforts of art historians and restorers of the Soviet period in the preservation and study of the Russian icon are briefly described. Attention is also paid to what is called the theology of the icon, indicating the main works in this area. The topic of the perception of the icon, primarily Russian, in the Western Christian context is touched upon. The contribution of the Russian emigrant icon painter Grigory Krug is assessed. The question of whether icon painting is an art or a craft is highlighted; the nature of the revival of icon painting in the post–Soviet period is also assessed. Examples of achievements in the field of icon painting in the present period are given, indicating the authors. The relationship between icon painting and religious art as part of the so-called contemporary art in general is also discussed. At the end of the conversation, we are talking about the prospects of the icon as an expression of the unchanging experience of the Church.


icon, icon painting, icon worship, dogma, icon theology, icon study, religious painting, modern religious art, Russian emigration, Gregory Krug


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