Vladimir Lossky, Theologian of the Person and the Holy Spirit


  • Olivier Clément Olivier Clémеnt (1921–2009) — Professor of the History of the Church and Ancient Councils in the Orthodox Theological Institute of St. Sergius in Paris




This article by O. Clement proposes a detailed description of the life and some important theological themes of V. N. Lossky. It was published a year after his untimely death as a kind of grateful thanks from one of his last pupils. The text has its own special rhythm. Sometime it is a deep analytical investigation of complicated philosophical and theological constructions. Sometime it is interrupted by contemplative memories and firsthand recollections about an extraordinary man, whom the author himself knew for the last years of his life. O. Clement often quotes handwritten sources for the reason that at the time of the first French publication a majority of Lossky’s works had not yet been published. Some of them remain unpublished to this day. This publication could make Lossky’s theology closer and more understandable for modern readers. The article contains three general parts, an introduction and a short conclusion. First, the biographical section was translated by V. A. Rezhikova; the second and third — “Mystery of Person” and “Mystery of the Holy Spirit”— as well as the conclusion were translated especially for this case by G. V. Vdovina, who many times previously translated works of both Lossky and O. Clement.


V. N. Lossky, biography of V. N. Lossky,, Orthodox theology, theology of person, pneumatology, medieval mysticism, research of sophiology


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Athanasius. “De incarnatione et contra Arianos 8”, in PG 26, col. 983–1028.

Basilius “Epistula 38”, 4, in PG 32, col. 325–340.

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Lossky V. (2000) Negative Theology in the Teaching of Dionysius the Areopagite, in V. Pisliakova (ed.) Lossky V. N. Bogoslovie i Bogovidenie. Sbornik statei. Moscow, Sviato-Vladimirskoe Bratstvo Publ., pp. 45–66. (In Russian)

Lossky V. (1949) “Panagia”, in The Mother of God: A Symposium. London, Dacre Press, pp. 24–36.

Lossky V. (2000) Redemption and Deification, in V. Pisliakova (ed.) Lossky V. N. Bogoslovie i Bogovidenie. Sbornik statei. Moscow, Sviato-Vladimirskoe Bratstvo Publ., pp. 273–288. (In Russian)

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Lossky V. (1964–1965) “Théologie dogmatique”, éd. par O. Clement, in Messager de l’Exarchat du Patriarche Russe en Europe Occidentale, no. 46–47, pp. 85–108; no. 48, pp. 218–233; no. 49, pp. 24–35; no. 50, рр. 83–101.

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Lossky V. (2000) The Procession of the Holy Spirit in the Orthodox Doctrine on the Trinity, in V. Pisliakova (ed.) Lossky V. N. Bogoslovie i Bogovidenie. Sbornik statei. Moscow, Sviato-Vladimirskoe Bratstvo Publ., pp. 347–376. (In Russian)

Lossky V. (2000) The Theological Concept of the Human Person, in V. Pisliakova (ed.) Lossky V. N. Bogoslovie i Bogovidenie. Sbornik statei. Moscow, Sviato-Vladimirskoe Bratstvo Publ., pp. 289–302. (In Russian)

Lossky V. (2000) The Third Property of the Church, in V. Pisliakova (ed.), Losskyi V. N. Bogoslovie i Bogovidenie. Sbornik statei. Moscow, Sviato-Vladimirskoe Bratstvo Publ., pp. 545–558. (In Russian)

Lossky V. (2000) Tradition and Traditions, in V. Pisliakova (ed.) Lossky V. N. Bogoslovie i Bogovidenie. Sbornik statei. Moscow, Sviato-Vladimirskoe Bratstvo Publ., pp. 513–544. (In Russian)

Lossky V. (2008) Seven Days on the Roads of France, transl. by K. V. Preobrazhenskaia, in Preobrazhenskaia K. V. Bogoslovie i mistika v tvorchestve Vladimira Losskogo. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University Press, pp. 83–129. (In Russian)

Lossky V. (2000) Vision of God, in V. Pisliakova (ed.) Lossky V. N. Bogoslovie i Bogovidenie. Sbornik statei. Moscow, Sviato-Vladimirskoe Bratstvo Publ., pp. 112–272. (In Russian)

Maximus Confessor. “Capita theologica et oeconomica I”, 73, in PG 90, col. 1083–1176.

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Nilus. “De oratione” 123, in PG 79, col. 1165–1200.

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Tomos [Hagioriticus Tomus], in PG 150, col. 1225–1236.




