Editorial Policy of the Journal

“Issues of Theology” is an international academic journal on theology. The journal is focused on the development of all areas of the research branch “Theology”, primarily in the version in which it develops in secular universities and research structures, as well as in spiritual academies.

The aim of the journal is to develop theology as a modern branch of humanitarian scientific knowledge.


  • to represent and develop various theological knowledge areas united in the framework of the general scientific specialty “theology”;

  • to unite and coordinate the efforts of organizations developing theological science and education in Russia at all levels;

  • to contribute to the strengthening and development of the scientific methodology of activities in the field of theology.

The journal is bilingual and publishes original articles in Russian and English. The journal publishes four issues per year (quarterly).

The materials submitted to the journal undergo the procedure of double anonymous review. The decision to publish (or reject) an article is made by the editorial board of the series after its review and discussion.
The Editorial Board is guided by the recommendations of the International Publishing Ethics Committee (COPE) and the Regulations on Review of Materials.

No fee is charged to authors for publishing manuscripts.

The journal “Issues of Theology” publishes scientific articles, translations, analytical reviews, original teaching materials and reviews.

The main thematic blocks of the journal

  • Actual discussions (theological categories and problem of theological language, questions of theological scientific method, theological aspects of modern problems of church life).

  • History of Christian theology: teaching and practice (research articles on the history of dogmatics, liturgy, church art, etc.; commented translations of theological texts from the traditional languages of Christian worship and theological thought).

  • Biblical studies.

  • Theology of history.

  • Church in the modern world (including inter-Orthodox and inter-confessional relations).

  • Political theology.

  • Theology and Philosophy: History and Modernity (Theology as a Resource of Philosophical Knowledge at Various Stages of Christian History. Faith and rationality, science and theology. Philosophical incentives in the development of scientific theology. Phenomenon of religious philosophy in various Christian and philosophical traditions).

  • Personnel / Theological Thought Personalities (articles and materials devoted to individual outstanding theologians and/or scholars of theological thought).

  • Theology and education (Theological substantiation of the pedagogy of values. Christian anthropology and human personality formation. Development of theological education in Russia, including in Islam and Judaism).

  • Missiology. History of the mission.