What is dark matter? An attempt at a theological answer
Based on the analysis of modern scientific data, the teachings of Russian religious thinkers about “Sophia” and S. L. Frank on reality, the biblical text concerning the creation of the world on the first day shows that dark matter is a special reality in the world. Modern science claims that there is a special “dark matter” in the world, which occupies up to ninety-five percent of the mass of all matter, but its properties are still unknown. Russian religious philosophers show that the creation of the world and matter by God was preceded by the birth of uncreated Sophia, the creation of created Sophia, or the “emanation” of “uncreated reality” and the creation of “created reality”. Based on the first words of the Bible, the assumption is made that the first verse “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen 1: 1) should be understood not as the creation of the real heaven and the real earth, which is stated in the Bible just below, but as a creation of the angelic world and some kind of special earth, which, apparently, actually is what today in science is referred to as dark matter. The article discusses its properties.
dark matter, gravity, Russian religious philosophy, uncreated Sophia, created Sophia, uncreated reality, created reality, heaven and earth, properties of dark matter
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