Diodore of Tarsus, “Commentary on the Psalms” (Psalms 1–4)


  • Liliia R. Frangulian Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 12, ul. Rozhdestvenka, Moscow, 107031, Russian Federation; Moscow State Linguistic University, 38, ul. Ostozhenka, Moscow, 119034, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6203-794X
  • Aleksei A. Shirikov “Jesus Portal”, 18A, ul. B. Ordynka, Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation




The article introduces into scientific circulation the text of Diodore of Tarsus Commentary on the Psalms. The explanation of the first four psalms was translated into Russian from ancient Greek for the first time and is accompanied by scientific commentary. The preface to the translation contains brief information about the author and his work: Diodore of Tarsus is considered a prominent and important theologian of the Antiochian school, however, almost all of his works have been lost. The exclusiveness of the Commentary on the Psalms is that it is one of the earliest examples of the typically Antiochian way of exegesis. Even though authoritative manuscripts that contain the Commentary are not signed with the name of the Tarsian bishop, researchers argue that this text belongs to him. The preface also provides information on Diodore’s style, the advantages and disadvantages of his approach. The bishop of Tarsus suggested a classification of the psalms, and the exegesis of the first four psalms allows us to see by example the peculiarities of each of the types proposed by the bishop. The Commentary on the Psalms by Diodore of Tarsus provides modern scholars the opportunity to analyze this important material on the subject of the state of biblical exegesis in the second half of the 4th century.


Diodore of Tarsus, Psalms, theology, exegesis, biblical studies, Antiochene school


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