The master’s debate of the sacred Ioann Mansvetov in the Moscow Theological Academy in the context of ecclesiological disputes of the 1870s–1880s


  • Liubov A. Karelina St Tikhon Orthodox University, 6/1, Likhov per., Moscow, 127051, Russian Federation



The dispute about the defense of the master’s thesis is sacred John Mansvetov’s “New Testament Teaching about the Church”, held in 1879, is of interest in the context of ecclesiological discussions in the Russian church periodicals of 1869–1870 and 1882–1884, activated by the posthumous publications of the works of A. S. Khomyakov. His work was prepared under the leadership of an outstanding representative of the domestic academic science of the Moscow Theological Academy Rector Alexandr Vasilyevich Gorsky. His disciples were the opponents of Mansvetov: teachers of the dogmatic department A. D. Belyaev and N. M. Ivantsov. They all listened to the course of dogmatic theology of Archpriest A. V. Gorsky, who analyzed problematic places in the writings of an outstanding lay theologian. The materials of the dispute were not covered in the church periodicals, but the circumstances of the defense partially clarify Belyaev’s diary entries. The ecclesiological ideas of the opponents were set forth in their own works: two articles by N. M. Ivantsov, published in 1877–1878 in the journal Orthodox Review, headed by his brother A. M. Ivantsov-Platonov; and in Belyaev’s master’s thesis “Divine Love”, defended in 1880. The aim of the study is to identify the influences on the views of three young scientists of their famous predecessors-the rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, prot. A. V. Gorsky and A. S. Khomyakov.


ecclesiology in academic theology, romantic ecclesiology, ecclesiological discussions in periodicals, philosophical and historical methodology, the Church as the Kingdom of God, the earthly and heavenly Church, the life of the Church


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Theology: Applied Aspects