Spiritual principles of creativity: Personalistic aspect


  • Aleksey A. Lagunov North-Caucasus Federal University, 1, ul. Pushkina, Stavropol, 355017, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8498-6449
  • Andrey Yu. Smirnov North-Caucasus Federal University, 1, ul. Pushkina, Stavropol, 355017, Russian Federation




The article attempts to interpret the concept of the spiritual through the use of personalistic methodological approach. Spiritual phenomena are considered in this case in comparison with the concept of creativity. It is argued that in the context of the Christian worldview, there is a clear connection between creativity and spiritual phenomena. Spirituality, being an a priori quality of any personality, can be understood both as a source, and as a mover, and as a result of its creative activity. The ideas about “positive” spirituality (correlated with the synergy of God and man), and about “negative” spirituality (correlating with “the arbitrariness” of godless personalities), the opposite nature of which is manifested in the difference between the products of human creative activity, are analyzed. Attention is focused on the fact that today spiritual and moral issues are often realized by us either poorly or not at all, which is caused by the blurring of the concept of the spiritual and the oblivion of the simplest truth, according to which morality, in order to avoid relativization, must have a solid religious philosophical foundation. The authors come to the conclusion that modern people’s unawareness of their own cognitive limitations, multiplied by diligently cultivated immoderate pride, does not allow them to adequately compare their total intelligence and spiritual and creative potential with the extensive spiritual experience of the most worthy representatives of the past, therefore, today it becomes necessary to renew Christian apologetics and widespread religious education.


spirituality, morality, creativity, personality, personalism, synergy, palamism, anthropodicy, secularization


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History of Christian Thought