The Angelology in the treatise “The Cause of the Foundation of the Schools”


  • Mikhail V. Antonyuk St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article is dedicated to the analysis of the angelological concept in the Syriac treatise “The Cause of the Foundation of the Schools”, created by Barhadbshabba, the bishop of Hulwan. The purpose of this article is to consider the factors that influenced the emergence of the original teaching about angels described in the document under study. The creation of such a concept was directly influenced by the theology of Theodore of Mopsuestia, who, in his commentary on the book of Genesis, reflected the moment of teaching the angels. Barhadbshabba began to independently develop this idea, using the works of Pseudo-Dionysius and borrowing from him the hierarchy of angels in heaven in order to apply this concept to the pedagogical system he was building. Therefore, here we can also find very important traces of the influence of the Syrian pedagogical tradition in the person of at least Ephraim the Syrian and Narsai. The results of the study showed the dependence of the author of “The Reasons for the Founding of Schools” on the authors described above, which may suggest the usual perception of certain theological ideas. Nevertheless, it was revealed that Barhadbshabba developed the ideas of the above-mentioned Church figures and, on their basis, built his own angelological concept, which he presented in his treatise.


angelology, Barhadbshabba, Narsai, School of Nisibis, the world as a school, Syriac pedagogical system, Theodore of Mopsuestia


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